

After eight years of absence, maverick Cameroonian director Jean-Pierre Bekolo (QuartierMozart, Aristotle’s Plot) returns with his magnum opus, Les Saignantes, a superbly photographed, stylishly edited and tastefully scored film about two young femmes fatales who set out to rid a futuristic country of its corrupt and sexually obsessed powerful men. In this stylized sci-fi-action-horror hybrid, Majolie and Chouchou, exquisitely played by AdËle Ado and Dorylia Calmel (both budding stars to look out for), navigate a sordid world where sex, money, politics and death are perniciously imbricated. Young, attractive, fashionable and lethal, they are on a mission to change the destiny of their country. But their task is made difficult by a formidable foe.

Reveling in its display of excess, committed to an aesthetics of cool, Les Saignantes is one of the first science fiction films to come out of Africa. It is a film with attitude, a film that poses questions about relationships between men and women, about the destiny of a continent, about the nature and future of cinema…a film that will be talked about for years to come.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ça donne l'envie d'aller voir

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comment je peux avoir ce DVD? Je ne le trouve pas en ligne et je sais que j'ai chercher partout!!!!!!!


6:23 AM  

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